The Professional Fellows Program (PFP) is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and is administered by American Councils for International Education.
The Professional Fellows Program for Europe and Eurasia is a two-way, global exchange program designed to promote mutual understanding, enhance leadership and professional skills, as well as build lasting, sustainable partnerships between mid-level emerging leaders from foreign countries and the United States. PFP participants are placed in intensive 5-6 week fellowships in non-profit organizations, private sector businesses, and government offices across the United States for an individually tailored professional development experience.
In response to the ongoing global pandemic, PFP will be offered as a hybrid program with virtual activities leading up to a U.S.-based exchange. Please note: the in-person, U.S.-based exchange is contingent upon favorable travel conditions. In the event there are travel restrictions, or other factors which could adversely impact the health, safety, and welfare of program participants, host organizations, and local communities, PFP may postpone or pivot the planned in-person U.S.-based exchange to virtual programming. PFP will follow available national and local public health guidance when making decisions related to PFP activities.
Become part of the PFP Alumni Network!
After completing your Fellowship, PFP Alumni continue to engage with their in country networks and are eligible for further U.S. Government funding opportunities!
See our Alumni in action here!